On The Web

Simply Savory is a web application for UH Manoa students to create and share simple recipes for others on a budget. The site allows users to sign up for an account, save their favorite recipes, write reviews, like recipes, and search based on the recipe’s name or ingredients. Our website also has a help page so new users would be able to navigate through our site easily. More information and a link to our site can be found on our homepage at https://simply-savory.github.io.

This was our final project for the course and it was the first group assignment after numerous individual assignments. My group consisted of four members and we were all relatively new to the Semantic UI framework and Meteor so we all had new things to figure out and learn going forward with this project. To ease the workflow, we made use of Github and it’s milestone feature to breakdown each task into manageable sub tasks. My responsibility for the first milestone was to create mock-ups for adding recipes, creating accounts, and the admin’s homepage. For the second milestone I had to figure out the search bar’s functionality to search by name and ingredient based on user input. In the last milestone, I further improved the search bar to register the input on button press, fixed the styles, and sort the recipes on each page by date added or by number of likes.

From knowing nothing about web development to creating a functional website, I can say I’ve learned a lot from this course and this project. For this experience I was able to test my knowledge of my newly learned material and expanded upon it with research and collaboration with group mates. We’ve had a lot of struggles with things like user access permissions and dynamic programming, but in the end we were able to complete those goals and I was able to learn a lot about the semantics behind certain functions and how to make use of them in our favor. Also creating certain UI styles gave me more insight with syntax on div fields and CSS.

Working on this project has taught me a lot about web development and it’s honed my skills that was learned throughout the semester.