
I’ve been doing band for 7 years and participated in marching band for 5 of them. I started marching during my freshman year at Castle High School playing the bass drum, and that instrument stuck with me for most of my marching career which ended freshman year at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I also became bass section leader during my junior year, but tried the tenor drums as a senior.

Being a bass drummer has taught me many lessons on top of being a musician. Unlike other marching instruments, bass drummers are responsible for 5 or 6 notes split up amongst that number of players, whereas other instruments could play all those notes on a single instrument, and this taught me the value of teamwork. Being a bass section leader in the past also meant I was also responsible for connecting the minds of 5 people musically. Marching band at UH also gave me the coordination to work professionally and collectively with upwards of 60 people. It’s an experience that I’m grateful for from it’s many values of teamwork and leadership which is applicable in programming.

UH Manoa Band’s 2017 Rainbow Invitational performance can be found here.